Some idea

 It was late afternoon, the glimmering sun wash over my porch. I sat on the chair, soaking in all the sun goodness and hoping to have a bit of a tan before my appointment tomorrow. 

    Meeting my first private client. Working as a Interior Designer at top firm in London does have a perk come with it. A chance to shake hands with top celebrity and business mogul. Previously, I work as ID for class-B client. But after manage to close in a huge sale for our company, they trust me enough to work with what we call "NO Picture Client". Meaning we are not going to know who our client is till we met them. And just like the sentence, no picture are allowed to be taken with the client. Bit bummer, I could sell those photo and buy those fancy-ass apartment at Central London like all of them did. 

    I take out my phone and scroll aimlessly on Twitter. Another political news, accident and celebrity news. I miss my hometown, Malaysia so much. Reading the news from the land of Nasi Lemak does reduce it a bit. Seeing so many things happening there makes me worry and want to pick up the phone and call them, 'the family' but everything is not the same now. So seeing from far is enough.

    Kettle shrieking noise jolt me from mindless scrolling. Its almost 7pm and the sun set slowly over blue London sky. I walk to my pre-war kitchen with exposed brick, and switch off the kettle. I'm in mood for some instant noodle. After soaking the noodle, while waiting it to cook, I walk to my wardrobe and racking thru my limited cloth selection for tomorrow meeting. All of the cloth is either too business looking or just simply super casual. Man I need something impressive. 

not too overpowering but still cute enough to make people remember me. But seeing my sad looking wardrobe, i just opted for a simple long A-line black skirt with white blouse with ruffle sleeve. Pair it with black satin shawl. 

Yeah looking like a divorce lawyer, definitely a vibe 

Then suddenly i remember my instant noodle. The noodle now is a sad looking lump of overcooked dough. But i am just so hungry so just dig in. 


When I arrive at the cafe le amour around 10 am, the cafe wasnt crowded. After all it is Monday morning. I took a liberty to order myself a cup of latte and a croissant not gonna hurt after sad noodle last night. I wasnt sure why the client wanted to meet me in a cafe in a secluded area early in the morning (early for a lister client because they usually met at odd time like 5 pm or 1 AM.)

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